Wai-hung Wong

Wai-hung Wong earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley, and has been a faculty member at Chico State since 2002. His areas of specialization are epistemology and metaphysics, with research interests extending to Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and the philosophy of religion. He teaches epistemology, metaphysics, introduction to philosophy, and critical thinking. Currently, he is working on several papers covering topics such as pattern and explanation, necessary existence and nothingness, James’s epistemology, and Nietzsche’s fatalism. Outside of philosophy, he enjoys literature, music, cooking, and traveling.
Selected publications:
"McTaggart’s Overlooked Second Construction of the Argument against the Reality of Time in the A-Series", The Journal of Philosophy 120 (2023), pp.257-282
Philosophical Exchanges on Ten Big Questions (in Chinese), co-authored with Chong-fuk Lau. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2022
Dialogues on Religion and Philosophy (in Chinese), co-authored with Chong-fuk Lau. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2016
"A Normative Account of the Need for Explanation", co-authored with Zanja Yudell, Synthese 192 (2015), pp.2863-2885
"How Fallacious Is the Consequence Fallacy?", co-authored with Zanja Yudell, Philosophical Studies 165 (2013), pp.221-227
"What the Skeptic Still Can't Learn from How We Use the Word 'Know'", in J. Bridges, N. Kolodny & W. Wong (eds), The Possibility of Philosophical Understanding: Reflections on the Thought of Barry Stroud (Oxford University Press, 2011), pp.124-144
The Possibility of Philosophical Understanding: Reflections on the Thought of Barry Stroud, co-edited with Jason Bridges and Niko Kolodny. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011
"The Cosmic Lottery", International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 66 (2009), pp.155-165
"Internalism about Justification and the Skeptic's Dilemma", Erkenntnis 71 (2009), pp.361-375
"What Williamson's Anti-Luminosity Argument Really Is", Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89 (2008), pp.536-543
"Meaningfulness and Identities", Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (2008), pp.123-148
"Moore, the Skeptic, and the Philosophical Context", Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2006), pp.271-287
"The Skeptical Paradox and the Indispensability of Knowledge-Beliefs", Synthese 143 (2005), pp.273-290
"Strawson's Anti-Scepticism: A Critical Reconstruction", Ratio 16 (2003), pp.290-306
"The Problem of Insulation", Philosophy 77 (2002), pp.349-373
"Interpretive Charity, Massive Disagreement, and Imagination", Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (1999), pp.49-74