William Dantona

Dr. Dantona is an international educator whose mission is to promote equity, peace, and prosperity through purposeful engagement across cultures. He has more than 25 years of experience working with international students and professionals developing international education, Business Communication, and study-abroad programming—always with this mission in mind. His research and leadership interests include applied system dynamics, study abroad programming, ESL program administration, and strategic international enrollment management. Dantona is committed to experiential and student-centered learning.
At California State University (CSU) Chico, Dantona serves as International Studies faculty and lectures in the Department of Management and International Languages and Cultures where he teaches International Management, Survey of Management, International Studies, and Asian Studies. At CSU, Chico, Dantona has served as the Director of International Development in the Office of the Vice President for University Advancement, and as International Programs Director in Regional & Continuing Education overseeing the American Language and Culture Institute (ALCI), Faculty-led Study Abroad, and international programs.
Previously, Dantona served as the ALCI Director from 2006 to 2017 and taught Communications in Business in the College of Business at CSU, Chico. In support of international education and the intensive English program field, Dantona has held a seat on the executive board of the American Association of Intensive English Programs (EnglishUSA) where he served as both President and Treasurer.
Prior to his CSU, Chico, affiliation, Dantona was full-time language specialist at the University of Pennsylvania's English Language Programs where he coordinated the Summer Institute for International Business Students MBA preparation program. Before UPENN, Dantona was at the School for International Training (SIT) and World Learning in Vermont where he worked as an academic preparation and corporate language instructor as well as a workforce language and culture proficiency consultant. He has conducted language and culture training for graduate-level international students as well high-potential executives from international corporate and governmental entities, including ABN-AMRO Bank, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, McKinsey Consultants Group, Toyota, and Proctor & Gamble. Dantona has also taught at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez and Greenfield Community College, Massachusetts.
After completing coursework and a two-year research program in Nepal, Dantona earned his MA from SIT in 1998. He completed the Wharton School of Business Management Program in 2004. Dantona earned his Doctorate in Educational Leadership at Sacramento State University and has conducted dissertation research in system dynamic analysis of international enrollment management and study abroad decision making.
He makes his home in far Northern California with wife and two children where he enjoys playing music, Sunday dinner, and participating in alpine sports and activities.
Open a conversation with Dr. Dantona by email: wdantona@csuchico.edu.