Eran A Zelnik
TRNT 217
Office Hours
TWTH 11 Am- 12PM, Zoom W 9 - 10 AM; by appt
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Dr. Zelnik received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis in 2016. A cultural historian, his research examines the interweaving categories of race, nation, and gender in the early United States. His book, American Laughter, American Fury: Humor and the Making of a White Man’s Democracy, 1750-1850 looks at humor and play as it traces the rise to dominance of common white men to positions of cultural prominence by the antebellum period.
American Laughter American Fury: Humor and the Making of a White Man's Democracy, 1750-1850 (Johns Hopkins University Press, January 2025)
“Masculinities in Early America,” The Routledge Companion to Masculinity, in American Literature and Culture, ed. Lydia R. Cooper (Routledge, 2021).
“Self-Evident Walls: Reckoning with Recent Histories of Race and Nation,” Journal of the Early Republic, 41:1 (March 2021), 1-38.
"Yankees, Doodles, Fops, and Cuckolds: Compromised Manhood and Provincialism in the Revolutionary Period, 1740-1781" Early American Studies, 16:3 (Summer, 2018), 514-544. Winner of the Dorothy Ross Prize from the Society of United States Intellectual Historians (S-USIH) for the best article by an emerging scholar.
Courses offered:
HIST 130 United States History
HIST 230 American Indian Histories Past and Present
HIST 345 Race Power and Privilege in American History
HIST 353 Nineteenth Century US History: The Rise and Fall of the First American Republic, 1789-1876
HIST 466 The Struggle for Palestine