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Colleges, Departments, & Program Listing for 'C'

Title Phone Location Zip
CCSV Admin Services (CASV) 530-898-6868 BUTE 417 0435
CalFresh Outreach (CFSH) 530-898-3689 MLIB 172E 0235
California Faculty Association (CFA) 530-898-4788 KNDL 111C 0760
California Mini Corp (MNCP) 530-898-6828 THMA 367 0262
California Pavement Preservation Center (CPPC) 530-898-5981 LANG 203 0603
California State University Employees Union (CSUEU) 530-898-4159 AGYM 206 0777
Camp Adventure Youth Services (CAYS) 530-898-6408 YOLO 173 0560
Card Access (CARD) 530-898-3906 FMSA 100 0925
Career Center (CRCN) 530-898-5253 SSC 270 0700
Center for Bilingual/Multicultural Studies (CBIL) 530-898-4026 THMA 208 0444
Center for Enterprise Systems and Informatics Research (CESR) 530-898-5773 TRNT 239 0081
Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE) 530-898-4821 GLNN 219 0031
Center for Excellence in Finance (CEF) 530-898-5920 GLNN 106
Center for Healthy Communities (CHC) 530-898-5323 25MST 201 0235
Center for Math and Science Education (CMSE) 530-898-4322 HOLT 117 0530
Center for Regenerative Agriculture & Resilient Systems (CRAR) 530-898-4335 HOLT 381 0002
Center for Water and Environment (CWAE) 530-898-5205 HOLT 138 0555
Center for the Public Understanding of Religion (CPUR) 530-898-5661 ARTS 393 0740
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department (CHEM) 530-898-5259 SCI 357A 0210
Chico Adelante Program (CAP) 530-898-3205 SSC 460 0875
Chico STEM Connections Collaborative (CSC) 530-898-4017 OCNL 114
Chico State Enterprises (CSE) 530-898-6864 25MST 103 0246
Chico State Wildcat Store (CSWS) 530-898-5223 BMU 114 0761
Child Development Department (CHLD) 530-898-5250 MODC 216 0220
Child Development Laboratory (CHDL) 530-898-5865 AJH 120 0395
Civic Engagement (CIVC) 530-898-5486 MLIB 121 0128
Civil Engineering Department (CIVL) 530-898-5342 LANG 207 0930
Classification & Compensation (CLCO) 530-898-4525 KNDL 211 0010
Classroom Technology Services (CTS) 530-898-5475 MLIB 031A
College of Agriculture (AGR) 530-898-5844 PLMS 317 0310
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSS) 530-898-6171 BSS 301 0450
College of Business (BUS) 530-898-6272 THMA 301 0081
College of Communication and Education (CME) 530-898-4015 THMA 203 0145
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Construction Management (ECC) 530-898-5963 OCNL 410 0003
College of Humanities and Fine Arts (HFA) 530-898-5351 ARTS 279A 0800
College of Natural Sciences (NSC) 530-898-6121 SCI 413 0555
Communication Arts and Sciences Department (CMAS) 530-898-5751 THMA 201 0502
Communication Sciences & Disorders Program (CMSD) 530-898-5871 AJH 100 0350
Communication Studies Program (CMST) 530-898-5751 THMA 201 0502
Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) 530-898-5817 BMU 220H 0750
Community Legal Information Clinic (CLIC) 530-898-4354 BSS 121 0190
Comparative Religion and Humanities Department (CORH) 530-898-5661 ARTS 377 0740
Computer Animation and Game Development Program (CAGD) 530-898-4891 THMA 225 0145
Computer Science Department (CSCI) 530-898-6442 OCNL 215 0410
Computing and Communications Services (CCSV) 530-898-4616 BUTE 417 0435
Concrete Industry Management Program (CIMT) 530-898-6483 OCNL 321 0003
Construction Management Department (CMGT) 530-898-5216 LANG 103 0305
Creative Media and Technology (CMT) 530-898-5485 MLIB 012 0005
Cross-Cultural Leadership Center (CCLC) 530-898-4101 MLIB 172 0747
Cultivating a Culture of Entrepreneurial Mindset and Undergraduate Research (CEMR) 530-898-4110 SSC 462D 0100
Cultural Anthropology (CUAN) 530-898-6192 BSS 354 0400
Curriculum Services (CURR) 530-898-4923 MLIB 338 0128
Alphabetical Listings
University Information

California State University, Chico
400 West First Street
Chico, CA, 95929
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530-898-HELP (4357)


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