At least 3 characters required. Numbers, apostrophes, hyphens and letters only.

Colleges, Departments, & Program Listing for 'A'

Title Phone Location Zip
AS Conference Services (ASCS) 530-898-6414 BMU 213 0763
AS Dining Services (ASDS) 530-898-5962 BMU 103 0788
AS Sustainability (SUST) 530-898-6677 BMU 220G 0750
Academic Advising Programs (AADV) 530-898-5712 SSC 220 0725
Academic Scheduling Office (ASO) 530-898-6894 KNDL 106 0110
Academic Senate (SEN) 530-898-6201 KNDL 101 0020
Academic Technology (ATEC) 530-898-3159 MLIB 456
Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) 530-898-5959 SSC 170 0726
Accounts Payable (ACPY) 530-898-6426 KNDL 208 0243
Advanced Laboratory for Visual Anthropology (ALVA) 530-898-6192 BSS 354 0400
Adventure Outings (RECC) 530-898-4011 WREC 158 0767
Agricultural Business Institute (ABI) 530-898-4146 PLMS 217 0310
Agriculture Department (AGRI) 530-898-5844 PLMS 317 0310
Alumni and Parent Engagement (ALM) 530-898-6472 SAPP 102 0050
American Language and Culture Immersion (ALCI) 530-898-6821 CCE 200I 0250
Anthropology Department (ANTH) 530-898-6192 BSS 354 0400
Archaeological Research Program (ARPC) 530-898-4360 BUTE 311 0400
Archaeology (ARCH) 530-898-6192 BUTE 311 0400
Art and Art History Department (ARTS) 530-898-5331 AYRS 107 0820
Articulation (ARTC) 530-898-4280 SSC 110
Asian and Pacific Islander Resource Center (APIR) 530-898-4101 MLIB 173F
Associated Students (AS) 530-898-6411 BMU 218 0757
Associated Students Administration Office (GNMG) 530-898-6411 BMU 218 0757
Associated Students Financial Services (ASFS) 530-898-6815 BMU 219 0248
Associated Students Government (STGV) 530-898-5701 BMU 220H 0750
Associated Students Human Resources (ASHR) 530-898-4385 BMU 218 0752
Associated Students Information Technology (ASIT) 530-898-5402 BMU 208 0763
Associated Students Marketing & Design (ASMD) 530-898-4871 BMU 220H
Associated Students Operational Programming Services (OPS) 530-898-5701 BMU 220O 0750
Alphabetical Listings
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California State University, Chico
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Chico, CA, 95929
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